COMING SOON: OK, it’s no secret that the Mitten is home to many of the world’s most talented and well-known musicians from a wide variety of genres – jazz, blues, rock, country, Motown, pop, soul, rap, electronic and on and on. See what happens when we put our English D Special in their hands! It’ll be fun, interesting and, no doubt, sound unique (just like our ukes).

The instrument may be small, but the ukulele world is vast. Here are some links to find out more: Ukulele Magazine, Ukulele Hunt, Got a Ukulele. Lots of folks have ukuleles just for the fact that they look cool – but the real fun is playing one. Here are some resources to learn: School of Uke, Ukulele Tricks,
Uke Like the Pros.

There are many Detroit icons that even out-of-towners are hip to -- the Tigers, Motown music, Lafayette Coney, Belle Isle, the Detroit Institute of Arts, and many more -- but there is so much more here that deserves noting. Architecture; restaurants; cool places to hang; and hidden gems – those are just some of the things we’ll take a look at here.
Talk about your brand
Who would start a company – a ukulele company, no less – during a pandemic? Well, an entrepreneur, for sure. A lover of music, of Detroit, of having fun, and of things that are…different. And someone who, with her regular business shut down due to Covid, was looking for a cool way to generate a few bucks with a fun unique concept.
Contact: detroitukulele@yahoo.com - 586.484.8797